Modularity 2016
Mon 14 - Thu 17 March 2016 Spain
Wed 16 Mar 2016 11:00 - 11:30 at MODULARITY - Modular Design and Reasoning Chair(s): Hridesh Rajan

The continuous need for more ambitious, more complex, and more dependable software systems demands mechanisms to modularize such systems and reason about their correctness. The reasoning process is affected by the programming language’s features, like dynamic dispatching, implicit invocation and oblivious aspect weaving, and by how the programmer uses them. In this paper, by devising a unifying formal setting, we show how reasoning varies with the different language mechanisms, and provide sound rules for reasoning about programs that use these features. While analyzing these mechanisms we explore the main compromises or tradeoffs that led to them and explain the disciplines they impose and the strength of the reasoning conclusions one can derive in each case. Our contributions will benefit both language designers and programmers. Language designers will benefit from learning the effects of different modularity features on reasoning. Programmers will learn how to reason about programs that use such features.

Wed 16 Mar

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10:30 - 12:30
Modular Design and ReasoningResearch Results at MODULARITY
Chair(s): Hridesh Rajan Iowa State University
Segregating Feature Interfaces to Support Software Product Line Maintenance
Research Results
Bruno B. P. Cafeo PUC-Rio, Brazil, Claus Hunsen University of Passau, Germany, Alessandro Garcia PUC-Rio, Brazil, Sven Apel University of Passau, Jaejoon Lee Lancaster University, UK
Reasoning Tradeoffs in Languages with Enhanced Modularity Features
Research Results
José Sánchez Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, Gary T. Leavens University of Central Florida
Unveiling and Reasoning about Co-change Dependencies
Research Results
Marcos César de Oliveira MPOG, Brazil, Rodrigo Bonifácio University of Brasília, Brazil, Guilherme N. Ramos University of Brasília, Brazil, Márcio Ribeiro Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL)
The Expression Problem, Trivially!
Research Results
Yanlin Wang , Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira University of Hong Kong